Our Mission


“Not every ‘L’ is a loss, but a lesson.”

The Howard Area Clubhouse is an after school program located in Rogers Park on 1527 West Morse Ave. Our mission is to help our Young Talent discover their own potential, interests and creative talents for entrepreneurship and college/career readiness. Our participants come into the program to either train in eSports, explore cosplay, or understanding creative digital media for a post secondary educational scholarship while learning STEM/STEAM related fields and artistic careers such as game design, broadcasting, illustration, foam-crafting and 3D printing.

We are a part of The Clubhouse Network and an After School Matters site. For more information about our funders, visit here.

Our Core Values:

Hope - Currently our Young Talent are confident and marketable when developing their 21st century skills, while being supported academically to later receive employment opportunities.

Accountability - Our Youth Talent are trained to design and follow timelines in order to set deadlines. Those who learn 21st century skills the fastest are put in supervisor roles to develop the skills of management, and coaching.

Compassion - Our instructors and Young Talent build the solidarity, and understanding that our day to day experiences play a role in molding our outcomes. We work towards using the negative aspects of our days to fuel our growth in empowerment to gain control of ourselves, to make better choices in reaction from our trials.

Creativity - Our instructors expose the mediums used for entertainment to educate our Young Talent, and their parents of the 21st century skills and jobs that are available, or in development.

Respect - Our youth are aware that our program is compiled of Young Talent from many different religious, political, national, and ethnic backgrounds, in a neutral safe space to collab and create.

Participation - We focus on building the esteem of our youth to sign up for scholarships, art contests, and many various competitions

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